The Practice of Humility by Pope Leo XIII


Download The Practice of Humility By Pope Leo XIII(Large Download)

This small book on humility was written by Pope Leo XIII when he was Bishop of Perugia for his seminarians.  It is clear, concise and speaks with the authority of a spiritual elder on the practice of humility in such terms that it could benefit all the faithful by listening to his instructions. 

Catholic Audiobook: The Love of the Sacred Illustrated By St. Mechtilde
June 30, 2024

Download The  Love of the Sacred Heart Illustrated By St Mechtilde (Large Download)


Over 600 years before the revelations of Divine Mercy to St. Faustina, and over 300 years before the revelations of the Sacred Heart to St.

Catholic Audiobook: On the Trinity
February 11, 2018


On the Trinity or De Trinitate is one of St. Augustine’s greatest dogmatic texts that is theological, philosophical and an apologetic work on the Trinity comprised on 15 seperate books that St. Augustine wrote over a period of years, but always intended to to be read together. 

Catholic Audiobook: St. John the Almsgiver
February 5, 2018

Click to Download: The Life of St. John the Almsgiver

St. John the Almsgiver was born to a noble family in 6th century and from his youth he was described as being addicted to giving alms and charity to the poor which started in his youth when he received a mystical vision. 

Catholic Audiobook: St. Victor Martyr
November 12, 2017


Click to Download: The Life and Martyrdom of St. Victor…
St. Victor was a distinguished soldier of war who was both born of a noble family and had distinguished himself in bravery through many military campaigns.  These are the acts of his heroic martyrdom where despite torture, imprisonment, and public ridicule the Romans where unable to get him to offer sacrifice to false gods even when they tried to force him under restraint to do so.  

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September 10, 2017

Click to Download: Spiritual Combat Supplement

Our Lord Jesus Christ said “Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect. ” Matt 5:48.  This small work was written to help you dear Christian obtain perfection.  It explains what is the nature of perfection and how to obtain it.  

St Bernard Homilies: For Christmas Eve and Christmas
December 25, 2016


Click to Download: St. Bernard Homilies for Christmas.

 Listen to on Soundcloud…
St Bernard of Clairvaux is considered the last father of the Church and is called the Doctor Mellifluus, or the honey doctor,  because his Praise of Jesus Christ flowed like honey.

Catholic Audiobook: Who Are the Angels
October 4, 2015

Click to Download: Who Are the Angels.

How powerful are the angels?  When were they created?  Why did some Angels choose to serve God and others fell?  How do Angels talk?  Did Angels feel any inclination to sin?  These questions and many more are answered  in this audiobook.   

Catholic Audiobook: The Holy Cistercians
July 30, 2016



Download The Audiobook Series: The Holy Cistercians (109 minutes of Audio)

When Monasticism in the west had become lax  God kindled zeal in the hearts of the founders of the Cistercian Order. Through much zeal, perseverance and struggle  St.

Catholic Audiobook: The Love of the Sacred Heart Part 1
June 22, 2016



Download The  Love of the Sacred Heart Part 1

Before the revelations of Divine Mercy to St. Faustina, or of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque there were the revelations of the Sacred Heart to St.

Catholic Audiobook: The Idea of St. Benedict
May 7, 2016


Download The Idea of St. Benedict

St. Benedict’s teaching found in his Rule and also from the accounts of his life from such authors of St. Gregory the Great made large impacts on the Church, Europe and the entire world.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Betrayel Of Judas and The Denial of Peter


Download The Betrayel of Judas and the Denial of St. Peter

Both St. Peter and Judas sinned during the Passion of Christ:  Judas by his betrayal and St. Peter by his three-fold denial. Both sinned, both felt remorse but only one was forgiven learn about these events in sacred history in detail so to avoid the damnation and despair of Judas and embrace the tearful repentance of St.

Catholic Audiobook: St. Thomas Aquinas for Lent
February 16, 2016

Download the Entire Collection of Lenten Selections from St. Thomas Aquinas(Large Download 2 and 1/2 Hours of Audio)…
Come and hear St. Thomas Aquinas explain the great mysteries presented to us during the season of lent in clear, concise and witty language.  

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December 25, 2015

 Click Here to Download: On Seeking the Infant Jesus

Some Homilies from Father Thomas A Kempis, the venerable author of the Imitation of Christ, on the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis is the largest read devotional book in the world next to the bible, and no book has been translated into more languages than the Imitation of Christ.

Catholic Audiobook: The Early Life of St. John of the Cross
November 24, 2015

Click to Download: St. John of the Cross From His Birth to the Start of the Carmelite Reform…
Saint John of the Cross was the humble son of man who discarded his nobility to marry the women he loved.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Choirs of Angels and Guardian Angels
October 4, 2015

Click to Download: The Choirs of Angels and Guardian Angels…
Most of heard of Angels, but very few people have correct understanding of these servants of God and friends of mankind.  Father O’Kennedy uses sacred scripture to provide a very complete catechism on both the different types of angels and our guardian angels in particular.  

Catholic Audiobook: Holiness of Life by St. Bonaventure
September 7, 2015

Click to Download: Holiness of Life by St. Bonaventura…
St. Bonaventure, the Seraphic Doctor, and also called the “Second Founder” of the Fransican order offers this brief work on the way of holiness. Written at the request and for Blessed Isabella a Poor Clare and friend of Bonaventure (who was the sister of St.

Catholic Homilies: St. John Damascenes Homilies on the Assumption
August 16, 2015

Click to Download: St. John Damascenes Homilies on the Assumption of Mary…
St. John Damascene, the 8th century Doctor of the Church known for his defense of venerating holy images against the Iconoclasts wrote a series of homilies on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.  

Catholic Audiobook: The St. Benedicts Medal
July 12, 2015

 Click to Download: The Miraculous Medal of St. Benedict

The St. Benedict’s Medal is one of the most common and honored medals due to its immense power against evil spirits and the devil!  The powerful invocation of the Holy Cross and St.

Catholic Audiobook: Our Lady of Chivalry
June 8, 2015


Click to Download: Our Lady of Chivalry

Mary is beautiful in herself as the moon, radiates her brilliance as the sun; but against “the enemy” she is formidable; terrible as an army arrayed for war.  Venerable Pope Pius XII
Learn about the devotion that knights, soldiers and other warriors have had to Most Blessed Virgin Mary going back to the 7th century and how she has often provided both her loving protection and her aid to grant them victory over their enemies!  

Catholic Audiobook: Spiritual Reading
May 24, 2015

 Click Here to Download: The Importance of Spiritual Reading

As a visitor of a Catholic audiobook website you probably already make spiritual reading/listening a part of your life (or wish to do so), but did you know how helpful it is to the salvation of the soul.  

Catholic Audiobook: Contrition The Key to Heaven
April 5, 2015

 Click Here to Download: Contrition the Key to Heaven…
A Catholic in mortal sin can be saved without confession and absolution, but he cannot be saved without contrition.  God is abounding in mercy, but without supernatural sorrow for our sins we cannot be forgiven of our sins.  

Catholic Homilies: On the Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost and the Primitive Church

 Click Here to Download: Homilies of Thomas A Kempis For Easter through Pentecost…
Be taught by the Venerable Thomas A Kempis, the author of the Imitation of Christ on how to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord as one should with devotion and exaltation.    

Catholic Homilies: The Passion of Christ and Palm Sunday

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Some Homilies from Father Thomas A Kempis, the venerable author of the Imitation of Christ, on both the Passion of Christ and on Palm Sunday and the triumphal procession of Jesus our Lord into Jerusalem.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Life of St. Patrick
March 16, 2015


 Click Here to Download: Saint Patrick the Apostle of Ireland on mp3 (118 MB)

Click here to request Free CD’s shipped to you.…
St. Patrick was Christs chosen servant to bring the Irish people out of the darkness of paganism and into the light of Christianity.  

Eastern Catholic Audiobook: The Heroic Nuns of Minsk
March 4, 2015

Click Here to Download: The Nuns of Minsk and the Persecution of the Catholic Church by Czar Nicholas I

Czar Nicholas I of Russia  nearly destroyed the Ruthenians and other Eastern Catholic Christians who refused to abandon their fidelity to the Pope in one of the most effective and brutal persecutions the Catholic Church has known.  

Homilies of the Fathers for Lent
February 17, 2015

Download the Entire 46 Homilies from the Fathers (Around 7 hours total on mp3 very large download)

or Put in a Request to have Free CD’s shipped to you…
The Church Fathers where truly holy, wise and perfect men, who fighting bravely trampled the world underfoot, fed their flocks in a world of hunger, and defended the Church against the attacks of heretical wolves through their faithfulness to apostolic tradition.

Catholic Audiobook: The Authority of the Fathers
January 20, 2015

Click Here to Download: The Authority of the Fathers
Please Consider Donating to our Apostolate

Do you know just how important the Fathers of the Church are?  If you do have you ever learned the rules for referencing the Fathers of the Church, using them well, what some of their most important writings are?  

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December 2, 2014

Click Here to Download: The True Story of the Sword in the Stone: The Life of St. Galgano

Audiobook is 60:57 in length
The Sword in the Stone is real and you have to hear its amazing story!  St. Galgano was a Knight in Tuscany who lived a very worldly and sinful life, through a series of visions from St Micheal the Archangel he reformed his life, but when he started to lapse and despaired of his salvation he said “Ah, but I could more easily plunge my sword into this stone, than obtain forgiveness for my many sins” at that he thrust his sword into the rock up and it entered like a knife through butter.

Catholic Audiobook: St. Cecilia
November 15, 2014

Click Here to Download: Saint Cecilia, Virgin, Wife and Martyr

St. Cecilia was so pure that she had the privilege of seeing her guardian angel.  Through her marriage and witness to the Catholic religion she converted her husband who also shared in the ability to see the angel which protected her virginity.

Catholic Audiobook: How to Avoid Purgatory
October 28, 2014


 Click Here to Download: How to Avoid Purgatory on Mp3

When every hidden deed is known, which each sin is numbered, and all of our negligences are brought before God in judgement it will be a great mercy to avoid Hell, but who can hope to avoid purgatory?  

A Shower of Roses: The Miracles of St Therese
October 3, 2014



Click to Download: A Shower of Roses: The Miracles of St Therese of the Child Jesus

St Therese said she would spend her heaven in doing good upon earth.  Before her Beatification The Carmel of Lisieux was receiving on average 60 letters a day of the miracles and favors granted through her intercession.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Joy and Humor of the Saints
September 8, 2014


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The humor, joy, playfulness and cheerfulness of the Saints was an essential part of their sanctity.  In this Audiobook learn how a life of discipline, obeying the commandments, penance and good works live in perfect harmony with jokes, teasing, and a good laugh.

Catholic Audiobook: The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility by St. Bernard
August 17, 2014


Click to Download: The Twelve Degrees of Pride and Humility by St Bernard of Clairvaux

Humility makes a man great, while pride makes even angels hateful and odious.   If the devil can trick us into pride under the guise of humility we are in great danger of losing our souls, do not trust what the world says about true humility but rather the the wise and often time witty instructions of the great St Bernard.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Life and Martyrdom of St Sebastian
July 22, 2014


Click to Download: The Life and Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian.

Please Consider Donating to our Apostolate…
St. Sebastian was named defender of the Church by Pope St. Caius.  As Captain of the Imperial guard to the Emperor St Sebastian used his position to win converts, strengthen those facing martyrdom and aid Christians with his ability to work miracles.  

Catholic Audiobook: Ancient Miracles of the Blessed Sacrament
June 19, 2014


Click to Download: Ancient Eucharistic Miracles…
Hear of the extraordinary wonders God has worked through his most precious body and blood starting in ancient times: The healing of the sick, consuming the wicked with fire, the parting of water like Moses and the Red Sea, Military Victories against unbelievable odds and many more.  

Catholic Catechism Mp3s: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
June 8, 2014

Click to Download: The Catechism in Examples The Fruits of the Holy Ghost!

Learn about the Fruits of the Holy Ghost (Charity, Joy, Chastity, etc) taken from the lives of the Saints, holy writings and parables.  The excerpts are taken from the Catechism in Examples which was a book that became widely popular over the entire English speaking Catholic world.  

Catholic Catechism Mp3s: Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving


Click to Download: The Catechism in Examples The 4 Cardinal Virtues and Three Eminent Good Works!

Learn or brush up on your Catholic Catechism with examples of the virtues and eminent good works taken from the lives of the Saints, holy writings and parables.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Divine Motherhood of Mary
May 11, 2014


Click to Download: The Divine Motherhood of Mary

Using the teaching of St Thomas Aquinas, Abbot Vonier explains the majesty of the motherhood of God.  Learn about Mary’s personal sanctity before and after the incarnation, why she is Gods most powerful creature in the universe, how her womb became Heaven on earth, how Jesus Christ had two births and more in this friendly theological work.  

Catholic Audiobook: Saint Anthonys War Against Demons
January 20, 2014


Click to Download: St Anthony’s War Against Demons

St Anthony of the Desert not only engaged in fierce battle against the devil through prayer and fasting, but mocked, sneered and abused him.  For his triumphs over the devil God promised that he would make his name known everywhere.  

Catholic Audiobook: The Torments of Hell

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Learn in detail about the fire of hell, the hunger, thirst, vile odors, confinement, the devils, demons, lost souls, pain of conscience and its eternal duration using the Holy Bible, the Fathers and Saints as your guides.  

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December 1, 2013

Click to download St Bernards Homilies for Advent…

St Bernard of Clairvaux is considered the last father of the Church and is called the Doctor Mellifluus, or the honey doctor,  because his Praise of Jesus Christ flowed like honey.  Hear some of his famous Advent Homilies recorded now on Audiobook to help prepare your heart for Christmas.

Catholic Audiobook: The Vigil of the Natvity and Advent Homilies of St Bernard

Click to Download St Bernards Homilies for the Vigil of the Nativity and Advent

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“JESUS CHRIST, the Son of God, is born in Bethlehem of Juda.  What heart so stony as not to be softened at these words?

Catholic Audiobook: The Holy Rosary Remedy Against Modern Evils
October 16, 2013

Click  to Download:  The Holy Rosary Remedy Against Modern Evils.

Increase your devotion to the Holy Rosary by listening to these Papal Encyclicals detailing how the Rosary is a heavenly remedy to various modern evils by Pope Leo XIII, who is called the Rosary Pope for his intense devotion and promotion to the Rosary.

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August 15, 2013


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Saint Bernard is known and loved throughout the world for many things: his holiness of life, his writings, his Marian devotion, and his numerous erections of monasteries.    Miracles were so common that the various chroniclers that would follow him around when he left the Monastery were unable to keep track of them all.

Catholic AudioBook: Miracles Through the Brown Scapular
July 16, 2013

Click Here to Download the Entire Catholic AudioBook on Miracles through the Brown Scapular…
A collection of stories of various miracles of the Brown Scapular from the Carmelite stories found in Archives.  Wild animals are tamed, burning buildings are put out and numerous sinners are converted through the brown scapular!

Catholic AudioBook: Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Click to Download the AudioBook: Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus…
This Audiobook explains why Christians need to make reparation for to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Reparation for our own sins and the sins of mankind.  Will you listen to learn to console our Lord?

Catholic Audiobook : The Love Shown to us by Jesus in his Passion.
March 26, 2013

Click To Download the Audiobook : The Love Shown to us by Jesus in his Passion.…
Learn from St Alphonsus Ligouri, Doctor of the Church, about the intense love of our Lord Jesus Christ that was shown to us in his passion.

Catholic Audiobook: Seek Ye First the Kingdom The Life of St. Celestine V

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Pope St Celestine V was the last pope before Pope Benedict XVI to retire because of health and old age.  Most people do not know though that he was a miracle worker and a major spiritual leader before being elected Pope.

Audiobook : St Kateri The Lily at the Foot of the Cross
October 6, 2012

 Click to Download : St. Kateri the Lily at the Foot of the Cross…
St Kateri was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012 and Patron Saint of North Americas New Evangelization.  Learn about St Kateri Tekakwithas brave confession of the Catholic faith in the face of persecution, her fervent prayers and intense penances.

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